Well, two updates, I guess.
First, on the technical side of things: guys...I'm really dumb at this websiting stuff. It takes me ages to upload something and Wix keeps changing things in ways that my smooth caveman brain and my dry-ass wallet can't handle. It's getting to be such a pain in the ass and I don't have the time, patience or wherewithal to learn how to build a site from scratch. I only realized a few months ago that the way I've been uploading is atrocious for mobile, and I don't have the chutzpah to go back and make corrections to individual pages.
Going forward, all of the art is going to be hosted on MEGA. You don't need an account or a program; clicking on the thumbnail in a gallery will instead bring you to a page where you can download the pics to your lovely little computers. I may retrofit one or two of the old galleries (I'm looking at you, 2018) but that's really it.
Second update, on the creative side: the webcomic's done. Once again it's a matter of having the time and patience, and I have very little of either. I should have put it to bed earlier, when the updates went from weekly to annually. If I keep telling sequential art, I'd rather do it with something I have more control over. To those who were into it, I apologize to leave it midway through a lore dump. I appreciate you sticking around with me.
That's all! Be seeing you.
I can be found at the following places:
cool people
(owner of Team Math'n'Shit, GBA guest artist, creator of tons of GBA's extras)
(living shitpost, best roommate)
(longtime internet pal, artist for Level 20)
(current owner of the Radical Gadgets)
(creater of Panthea the Phantump)
(creator of Faxon the Fraxure)
(made the Make a Saving Throw! banner)
(also also a roommate)
BabyNames - DaFont - Wix - PoseManiacs - Clip Studio - BulbaPedia
Random Pokemon Generator - Online Die Roller - Xsplit
miscellaneous links
Inhuman (Icarus' webcomic) - Gill's Patreon
Special thanks to my close friend who wishes to remain anonymous, creator of Dot.
You are amazing and I wouldn't be here without your help and support.